Infant & Toddler Puzzle with 1 Square TPM008 ₱420.00 TPM008 1 big size square with handle. The puzzle introduces basic mathematical concepts related to shapes and spatial relationships. ADVANTAGE: The Puzzle of 1 Big Square is designed to give children a focused and hands-on tool for learning about the square shape while also enhancing their fine motor skills, cognitive abilities, and early... Add to cart
Infant & Toddler Geometric Shapes Square Puzzle TPM048 ₱840.00 TPM048 Children can try to arrange the pieces so they fill neatly in the tray, or use the places to create new and existing shapes. It helps to identify and arrange the pieces according to color or shape. This activity can be especially beneficial for younger children as it helps them develop dexterity and control over their fingers. ADVANTAGE: Solving... Add to cart
Infant & Toddler Puzzle w/ 3 Shapes of 3 Colors TPM001 ₱515.00 TPM001 The infant and toddler educational materials are designed for children ages 0 to 3 years old. These educational materials help the children develop their movements. (For age 0-3) Add to cart