Mathematics Small Numerical Rods MPM133 ₱2,005.00 MPM133 These rods are well suited for individual work at a table. With these rods, the child explores counting and arithmetic. They consist of two sets of ten wooden rods divided into increments by alternating colors of red and blue. The Small Numerical Rods are supplied in a wooden box of storage and display. ADVANTAGE: It introduces children to... Add to cart
Infant & Toddler Numerical Rods Mini TPM034 ₱2,230.00 TPM034 The Number Rods introduce the child to quantity 1- 1 0 and their corresponding number names. Through exploration with the material, the child also develops concepts in the sequence of number, combinations of l 0 and basic arithmetic. The material consists of ten wooden rods, divided into units by alternating colors of red and blue, progressing in... Add to cart