Geography Globe Of Land And Water GPM027 ₱2,470.00 GPM027 With this globe, the child gets a sensorial impression of the land water. The globe has a sand surface representing land. The wooden base of this globe and all the globes hold the globe 23 degrees angle, the same as the earth's axis in relation to the sun. ADVANTAGE: Through tactile exploration, it helps children understand the concept of Earth's... Add to cart
Geography Globe of the World Parts GPM028 ₱2,470.00 GPM028 With this globe of the world parts, the concept of continents is introduced to the child. The globe has an entity smooth surface, with a beige color representing land and blue representing water. ADVANTAGE: The globe enables children to explore and comprehend the world's geography, including continents, oceans, and countries. Exploring the... Add to cart
Last items in stock Geography Globe Land and Water Painted GPM093 ₱2,470.00 GPM093 Globe Land and Water Painted is a material that introduces children to geography. It allows kids to explore different continents and bodies of water through tactile learning. This educational material is designed to encourage exploration and hands-on learning. The globe has an entity smooth surface, with a gray color representing land and blue... Add to cart