Sensorial Mystery Bag SPM045 ₱1,300.00 SPM045 Bags and composition of different wood shape geometry. ADVANTAGE: This encourages tactile exploration, sensory awareness, object recognition, fine motor skills, and cognitive development. This material encourages children to use their sense of touch to explore and identify objects, fostering a deeper understanding of their surroundings. (For age... Add to cart
Last items in stock Practical life Bag Clipping Dressing Frame PLPM015 ₱925.00 PLPM015 Using bag clips on the dressing frame requires precise hand control, which improves a child's fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity. This tool assists children in mastering important dressing skills, specifically the ability to open and close bag clips, which are necessary for daily life and promote self-sufficiency. ADVANTAGE:... Add to cart